Next race: Streets of St. Petersburg, March 02

Al Unser

Driver details
Al  Unser, Indianapolis
Date of birth: May 29 0000
Nationality: United States

Results 1979 - 2025


Race Track FP
Arizona Republic / Jimmy Bryan 150 ISM Raceway 4
Gould Twin Dixie 125 - Race 1 Atlanta Motor Speedway 6
Gould Twin Dixie 125 - Race 2 Atlanta Motor Speedway 3
Indianapolis 500 Indianapolis 22
Trenton Twin Indy - Race 1 Trenton Speedway 2
Trenton Twin Indy - Race 2 Trenton Speedway 12
Norton Twin - Race 1 Michigan 13
Norton Twin - Race 2 Michigan 3
Kent Oil 150 Watkins Glen 5
Ditzler 150 Trenton Speedway 6
California 500 Ontario Motor Speedway 5
Gould Grand Prix Michigan 10
Rich's Atlantic Classic Atlanta Motor Speedway 5
Miller High Life ISM Raceway 1


Race Track FP
Datsun Twin 200 Ontario Motor Speedway 16
Indianapolis 500 Indianapolis 27
Gould-Rex Mays 150 Milwaukee Mile 20
True Value 500 Pocono 24
Red Roof Inns 150 Mid-Ohio 13
Norton 200 Michigan 7
Kent Oil 150 Watkins Glen 19
Tony Bettenhausen 500 Milwaukee Mile 13
California 500 Ontario Motor Speedway 4
Gould Grand Prix 150 Michigan 5
I Copa Mexico 150 Mexico City 3
Miller High Life 150 ISM Raceway 15


Race Track FP
Kraco Car Stereo 200 ISM Raceway 17
Gould-Rex Mays 150 Milwaukee Mile 5
Kraco Twin 125 (Race 1) Atlanta Motor Speedway 6
Kraco Twin 125 (Race 2) Atlanta Motor Speedway 7
Norton Michigan 500 Michigan 11
Los Angeles Times 500 Riverside 14
Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Mile 5
Detroit News Grand Prix Michigan 3
Watkins Glen 150 Watkins Glen 14
II Copa Mexico 150 Mexico City 2
Miller High Life 150 ISM Raceway 22


Race Track FP
Kraco Car Stereo 150 ISM Raceway 21
Stoh's 200 Atlanta Motor Speedway 8
Gould-Rex Mays 150 Milwaukee Mile 17
Budweiser Cleveland 500 Cleveland 3
Norton-Michigan 500 Michigan 4
Tony Bettenhausen 200 Milwaukee Mile 23
Domino's Pizza Pocono 500 Pocono 23
AirCal 500 Riverside 17
Road America 200 Road America 2
Detroit News Grand Prix Michigan 18


Race Track FP
Kraco Dixie 200 Atlanta Motor Speedway 2
Indianapolis 500 Indianapolis 2
Dana-Rex Mays 150 Milwaukee Mile 2
Budweiser Cleveland 500 Cleveland 1
Michigan 500 Michigan 2
Promi Veal 200 Road America 3
Domino's Pizza 500 Pocono 11
LA Times/Budweiser 500 Riverside 11
Escort Radar Warning 200 Mid-Ohio 4
Detroit News Grand Prix Michigan 5
Caesars Palace Grand Prix Caesar's Palace 4
Cribari Wines 300k Laguna Seca 11
Miller High Life 150 ISM Raceway 4


Race Track FP
Long Beach Grand Prix Long Beach 22
Dana-Jimmy Bryan 150 ISM Raceway 21
Indianapolis 500 Indianapolis 3
Dana-Rex Mays 200 Milwaukee Mile 5
Stroh´s 200 Portland 27
Meadowlands Grand Prix Meadowlands 8
Budweiser Cleveland Grand Prix Cleveland 10
Michigan 500 Michigan 30
Provimi Veal 200 Road America 3
Domino´s Pizza 500 Pocono 8
Escort Radar Warning 200 Mid-Ohio 8
Molson Indy Montreal Sanair 13
Detroit News Grand Prix Michigan 4
Stroh´s 150 ISM Raceway 17
Cribari Wines 300K Laguna Seca 6
Caesars Palace Grand Prix Caesar's Palace 14


Race Track FP
Long Beach Grand Prix Long Beach 5
Indianapolis 500 Indianapolis 4
Stroh's/G. I. Joe's 200 Portland 4
Meadowlands United States Grand Prix Meadowlands 3
Budweiser Cleveland Grand Prix Cleveland 3
Michigan 500 Michigan 2
Provimi Veal 200 Road America 7
Domino's Pizza 500 Pocono 3
Escort 200 Mid-Ohio 27
Molson Indy 300 Sanair 13
Detroit News 200 Michigan 12
Stroh's 300K Laguna Seca 2
Dana 150 ISM Raceway 1
Beatrice Indy Challenge Miami 4


Race Track FP
Dana 200 for Special Olympics ISM Raceway 18
Indianapolis 500 Indianapolis 22
Michigan 500 Michigan 14
Domino's Pizza 500 Pocono 20
Miami Indy Challenge 200 Miami 15


Race Track FP
Indianapolis 500 Indianapolis 1
Marlboro 500 Michigan 2
Quaker State 500 Pocono 15
Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Nazareth 10
Champion Spark Plug 300K Laguna Seca 24


Race Track FP
Indianapolis 500 Indianapolis 3
Molson Indy Toronto Toronto 9
Marlboro Grand Prix at the Meadowlands Meadowlands 19
Marlboro 500 Michigan 9
Quaker State 500 Pocono 13


Race Track FP
Indianapolis 500 Indianapolis 24
Cleveland Grand Prix Cleveland 10
Marlboro 500 Michigan 8
Pocono 500 Pocono 7


Race Track FP
Indianapolis 500 Indianapolis 13


Race Track FP
Valvoline 200 ISM Raceway 17


Race Track FP
Indianapolis 500 Indianapolis 3
Bosch Spark Plug Grand Prix Nazareth 12


Race Track FP
Indianapolis 500 Indianapolis 12